Video: Joshua James Live @ Kidzapalooza 2009

Y'know, those iPhones have video cameras now and the Flips are easy to use (I should know). I'm with Tito, it shouldn't be this difficult to have any of the other folks who make music on a more regular basis for kids (or the kids themselves) captured on camera. This sounds like a nice cut (I'm unable to figure out which one specifically) from Joshua James, Sunday's special guest at Lolla's Kidzapalooza stage. But I know there was a lot more that brought down this house this weekend... Joshua James live at Kidzapalooza stage, Lollapalooza 2009.

Video: "Here Comes the Sun" (Live @ Kidzapalooza) - Perry Farrell & Lee Ann Rimes

Yeah, you read that right. Lolla founder Perry Farrell and country singer Lee Ann Rimes took the Kidzapalooza stage at Friday's rainy Lollapalooza and engaged in a bit of wishful thinking, faithfully rendering "Here Comes the Sun." I understand there were actually kids in front of those adults. Besides, everybody loves the Beatles, right? Perry Farrell & Lee Ann Rimes - "Here Comes the Sun" (Live at Lollapalooza 2009)

Last-Minute Kidzapalooza 2009 Recommendations

So, yeah, I already covered Lollapalooza's Kidzapalooza lineup a few months back, but in case anyone out there who isn't a regular reader stumbles across this thanks to the magic of search engines, here's some thoughts and recommendations on what to see and when to see it. All set times 30 minutes unless otherwise noted. Friday, August 7 11:30 Yuto Miyazawa 12:30 Paul Green's School of Rock All Stars 1:30 Frances England 2:15 Secret Agent 23 Skidoo 2:45 Zach Gill 3:30 Special Guest 3:45 Lunch Money Thoughts: Yuto Miyazawa is playing three sets at the Kidzapalooza stage -- everyone else (save the Q Brothers and Quinn Sullivan) plays two. I think it's safe to say you could probably miss one of them... My general feeling is that the non-Kidz schedule on Friday midday is weaker than on the weekend so you should definitely make sure you catch Frances, Lunch Money, and especially Skidoo on Friday. By Saturday, word will have traveled and Skidoo's set on Saturday may be packed.

As Mix Tapes Go, Kidzapalooza Volume One's a Pretty Good 'Un

KidzapaloozaVol1.jpgI previously mentioned that Tor Hyams was putting together a new label, Happiness Records, and that his first order of business was putting together a compilation album featuring folks who've played the Kidzapalooza stage. Now, that cover's not the prettiest I've ever seen and, more importantly, I'm not sure what the fate of a compilation album is in the era of the iPod. Having said that, the tracklisting makes for a pretty darn good mix tape...

Kidzapalooza 2009 Lineup Announced

For some reason, it always takes longer to announce the Kidzapalooza lineup at Lollapalooza than it does their Austin Kiddie Limits cousin, even though AKL is held long after Kidzapalooza wraps up (this year's edition is August 7-9 in Chicago's Grant Park). But via their Facebook page, here's the lineup. Hope you like kids who rawk:

You Know, Some Music Festivals Actually Happened Recently

Perhaps forgotten amidst the controversy over Laurie Berkner's hair and the lengthy, ongoing discussion on the near-cancellation of the Disney Music Block Party Tour (yes, Bill, I agree that on the website, it's like Disney is taking the Obi-Wan Kenobi "these aren't the droids we're looking for" approach) and its lessons (consensus: all kids music is local) is the fact that a major kids music festival actually took place last weekend. Kidzapalooza once again took over a tiny corner of Chicago's Grant Park as part of Lollapalooza, any while pickings are few, there are some details on YouTube. Most people seem to be most excited about the Jeff Tweedy appearance at the Kidz stage. This video captures Tweedy cussing, catching himself, turning it into a lesson, then finally playing "Hummingbird." No, I'm not entirely sure what this has to do with kids' music, but it's still a sweet little song. Who ever would've thought A Ghost Is Born would be heard on the Kidz stage. More videos after the jump.