Video: "K-I-D-S" - Luv Clowns

There are certain kids musicians which make families all warm and snuggly inside, filled with love and grace. And then there are Memphis' Luv Clowns, who last December strolled through the Memphis Christmas Parade... without, as best I can tell, having permission to do so. Watch as the Luv Clowns play "K-I-D-S" as they stroll through the parade, interacting with the youngsters walking along, then get denied entry to FedEx Arena by the police at the end. Every genre needs its subversives -- Luv Clowns are (one of) ours. (Remember, you can pick up a free mp3 of the track here.) Luv Clowns - "K-I-D-S" [YouTube]

Share: "K.I.D.S." - Luv Clowns

LuvClowns-Insert-YS-6x6-72dpi.jpgTrying to explain Luv Clowns is not the easiest thing to do. Or, rather, doing so makes the project sound really, really odd. Which it isn't. Quite. So, simply put, Luv Clowns consists of four well-known Memphis musicians - Harlan T. Bobo, Doug Easley, Alex Greene, and Tim Prudhomme - whose album was released late last month on Goner Records. Oh, and they all dress up in clown costumes when performing. I'm not sure if it's a kids music album for adults, or an adult album (relatively) safe enough for kids, but I do know that the song below, "K.I.D.S.," is a bunch of fun. Stream or download it below, courtesy of Goner. Luv Clowns - "K.I.D.S." [mp3]