May Z7: You Can Still Get These Awesome Songs (Today)

Here is my occasional reminder for you to sign up for (or open up) the Zooglobble newsletter.  Newsletter recipients get the occasional Z7 newsletter featuring 7 tracks from 7 artists, downloadable for free for just 7 days.

The May Z7 was sent out last weekend, and I'll be removing the links for these songs today:

Dean Jones: "Snail Mail"

Owen Duggan: "The Rhino Song (Nobody Knows What a Rhino Knows)" 


Underbirds: "Moth" 

Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band: "Gato Astronauta" 

Lesley and the Flying Foxes: "What's Gonna Happen Today?"

Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke: "Raised By Trolls" 

Toronto Chamber Orchestra / The Secret Mountain: "Toy Symphony" 

If you sign up today (Sign up today), I'll make sure you get the links for these.  And even if you get to this late, there will be more Z7s.  Do