Radio Playlist: New Music October 2017

With the onset of fall comes the close of a Grammy eligibility window, so there are usually a bunch of releases up through September 30, then a bit of radio silence (so to speak).  I've got 35 minutes worth of that early fall rush of songs in this month's new music playlist. (Feel free to check out the September list here if you missed it.)

As always, these Spotify playlists are limited in that if an artist hasn't chosen to post a song on Spotify, I can't put it on the list, nor can I feature songs from as-yet-unreleased albums.  But I'm always keeping stuff in reserve for the next Spotify playlist.

Check out the list here (or right here in you're in Spotify).

**** New Music October 2017 (October 2017 Kindie Playlist) ****

"Wake Up!" - Brendan Parker

"Daddy's Beard" - Josh Lovelace

"Don't Let the Boogah Bug You Out" - Lard Dog & the Band of Shy

"Elephant in My Room" - Phredd

"Telephone - Dance Remix" - "The Laurie Berkner Band

"Amor Es Lo Que Siento Por Ti (Para Mama') - Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer

"Taken Over by Robots" - The Dilly Dallies

"The Quest for the Missing Polka-Dotted Pink Sock" - Mista Cookie Jar

"Better Than You Know" - twinkle

"El Coqui / The Frog" - Mister G

"Go Well and Peace Be with You (Hambani Kahle)" - Ladysmith Black Mambazo