Raffi #Belugagrads Tour Hits United States


Kids music legend -- and I do not use that phrase lightly -- Raffi reaches the United States this weekend as he continues his #belugagrads tour.

After a long absence from the concert stage, the Canadian folksinger whose albums essentially created​ the kids music genre from a sales perspective (before him, there really was no separate category for retailers) gave a handful of concerts in Ontario, British Columbia, and Seattle in last year.  

Now, after a few concerts in Manitoba and Alberta last month, Raffi's heading to California to kick off a few concerts in the States.​  On 4 weekends in April and May, he'll be playing shows on both coasts and the Midwest, starting with the Bay Area and Santa Barbara this weekend.  He's raising funds for his Centre for Child Honouring and promises to sing fan favorites including, of course, "Baby Beluga."  (I'll admit to preferring -- by a substantial margin -- his earlier work.)

He'll be in New York City during Kindiefest. Ella Jenkins and Raffi - what a duet that would be, right?