Share: "Do The Potty Dance" - Ralph's World

I'll admit to being a little conflicted by the latest song from Ralph's World. I previously hoped that "Do the Potty Dance" would be better than the Rice Krispies jingle Ralph did. I think this new song is a wee bit better, if only because it manages to avoid mention of Pull-Ups. But if your kids have passed that stage, this wouldn't be your Number One choice.

I guess this would be the first song you don't want to play in the car for fear of triggering a Pavlovian response -- the whole point is getting them to wait to pee.

Anyway, if you want to download the song (and the video) you can go here or you can go here if you want to avoid Huggies and the greater Kimberly-Clark empire altogether.

Or if you have the urge, just watch below.

Do The Potty Dance! from Huggies Pull-Up's on Vimeo.