American History + Rock 'N' Roll = Deedle Deedle Dees + Contest

AmericanHistory+RNR_DDD.jpg(or, therefore, Contest = American History + Rock 'N' Roll - Deedle Deedle Dees.) A couple years back, I ran a contest for The Deedle Deedle Dees' latest album, the excellent Freedom in a Box. To enter, folks had to suggest a historical personage the history buffs in the band might want to write a song about. The randomly selected reader was longtime reader Katy, whose family offered 4 different personages, including Amelia Earhardt, Benny Benson (who came up with the idea for the Alaskan state flag), and Eleanor Roosevelt. Now, although my contest idea was just a goof, chief songwriter Lloyd Miller offered to write one song from the winning entry, and the band actually created songs for those 3 real-life figures, along with other more famous and less famous folks, on their rocking new album American History + Rock & Roll = The Deedle Deedle Dees. So, since my last Deedle Deedle Dees contest worked out so well, let's do it again. By 11 PM East Coast time on Wednesday, December 30 ed: contest deadline extended to Wednesday, January 6, enter below by suggesting another historical figure the Dees could write a song about. In addition, write the name of a school system or library system you think would be happy to receive a bunch of excellent songs from both the historical and rocking perspective. No promises that the Dees will write a song for the randomly-selected winner, but I do promise that the randomly-selected winner will receive 2 copies of the album -- one for their own family, and one to give to that school system or library system that they offer up. Thanks, good luck, and if you want to see the track listing, here it is...

Hopefully This Contest Will Cause You No Frustration

For those of you heading back to school with your elementary school young'uns, Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer have a contest to get their (and your) rhyming skills back into shape. They've got a contest to write new lyrics for their song "Jubiliation" from the Banjo to Beatbox EP with Christylez Bacon. If you read the lyrics to the song, I think it's pretty obvious what they're looking for. Details are at the link above, but the top 5 winners get a free Cathy & Marcy CD of their choice plus a washboard. Entries due Sept. 30th. Now... is Zooglobblation a word? Anyway, to get you in the mood, here's a mood for the song featuring lots of puppetation. Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer with Christylez Bacon - "Jubilation"

Contest: Win Putumayo's Picnic Playground

PicnicPlayground.jpgThe latest album from Putumayo Kids, Picnic Playground, is a fun collection of food-related tunes from folks close to home (Johnny Bregar, Asheba) and far away. And now Putumayo's giving you a chance to win the CD. All you have to do is be one of the first two folks to submit a recipe in their Picnic Playground Recipe Contest. They're looking for your favorite picnic recipe, and the winners will get the whole Putumayo Kids collection of albums. But if you're one of the first two entries that mention Zooglobble at the start of your entry, you'll automatically win the Picnic Playground disk. Even if you don't win, you can sign up to get a free download from the album here or see if the tour's coming to your city here. The rules for winning the overall contest are here. Entries are due August 25th, but speed is of the essence if you want to be the winner of this disk, natch.

Contest: Win Bob Marley's "B Is For Bob"

BIsForBob.jpgA couple months back, I told you about the latest Bob Marley album, a collection of his most popular tracks, 8 of which have been remixed and tweaked by his son, 4-time Grammy winner Ziggy Marley, with another four in their original versions. Well, now I'm happy to be able to offer a couple lucky Zooglobble readers the chance to win the new CD, courtesy of Universal and Ziggy. It was released last week, and I think both longtime Bob Marley fans and the most casual of reggae fans will find something to enjoy here. (Plus, the CD unlocks bonus online digital content including coloring book pages and a sing-a-long music video plus a one-year subscription to Parents magazine.) All you have to do to enter is to comment below with your suggestions for musical artists for the alphabet -- "M is for Mozart," for example, or maybe "E is for Ella" (Jenkins or Fitzgerald, take your pick). I'll pick 2 winners at random. All entries due by 9 PM West Coast time Thursday, July 9; one entry per family, please. Good luck!

Contest: Win a Timeout To Rock Family Pack

VeraTimeoutLowRes.jpgI already mentioned how much I like the poster and the lineup behind it for the Timeout To Rock party at Seattle's Vera Project on Saturday, June 27th starting at 11 AM. The Not-Its, Recess Monkey, Caspar Babypants, Central Services Board of Education - that's pretty darn good. Plus, I have it on good authority, some other kid-focused entertainment in between sets. Now $25 for a family pass is pretty darn affordable, but thanks to the folks behind Timeout To Rock, I've got a family pass for the taking. A family pass to the event is good for however large your family may be, so I guess that Jon and Kate family with 8 kids who seem to be a tabloid staple but whose existence I am completely clueless about might want to take advantage of the offer. Anyway, to win the pass, all you have to do is enter your name in the comments below. Since for Jiggle Jam I asked what outdoor festivals needed to provide families, why don't I ask what's important to you for an indoor concert venue hosting kids shows. A winner will be drawn at random; all entries due by 9 PM Seattle time Friday night the 5th. And, uh, I probably don't need to say this, but I will anyway -- transportation to/from Seattle not provided. Good luck!