Radio Reminder

Whether you like to hear me live or taped on the radio, you can do so in both ways... First, in less than an hour, you can hear me make my first appearance (so to speak) on Sirius/XM's Kids Place Live at around 8 PM Eastern. Second, this weekend be sure to turn in to Spare The Rock, Spoil The Child where you can hear the announcement of the winners in the 2008 Fids and Kamily Awards. You can find something good on the radio!

Fids and Kamily 2008 Is On Its Way!

Amidst all this talk of Grammys and Cybils, I have failed to mention that kids' music's first poll, the Fids and Kamily Awards are coming back for a third straight year. That's right, the same folks who named Justin Roberts' Meltdown! as 2006's kids music album of the year and Gustafer Yellowgold's Have You Never Been Yellow? as 2007's best album are back again to weigh in on 2008's bumper crop of great kids music. More details are forthcoming, but you should circle November 15 on your calendar as the announcement date on Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child. Once again, Amy and Bill are my chief co-conspirators. And for those you on Facebook, please stop by F&K's Facebook page.

Fids and Kamily 2007 Awards Are Announced

That's right -- now everybody knows about the best kids and family music of the year. Head over to the Fids and Kamily website for all the details, plus a nice essay from Cynical Dad. Amy and Bill and I discussed on this morning's Spare the Rock broadcast. For even more ramblings from the three of us, listen to the latest Jumping Monkeys podcast later today (thanks, y'all, for having us on!) I'll have my own list posted soon, I promise. Finally, big big thanks to Bill, Amy, and all 19 judges (including, well, me, so thanks, me!) and hearty congratulations to all the award-winning artists!

It's Award Season

You may have heard about this elsewhere, but, yes, the Fids and Kamily Awards are indeed back for a second year with even more judges to give you a grand overview of the best in this year's kids and family music. I can't say I agonized over my ballot, because "agonized" should be used, you know, for things that might cause actual long-term physical and/or emotional pain. But having finished my ballot today, it sure wasn't easy picking just 10 albums. A lot of really good stuff came out this year. I'll be appearing with Bill and Amy on the Spare the Rock radio show Saturday morning the 17th to announce the list. Tune in, or check out the website to find out the whole list of top-ranked albums from the past 12 months or so.